
Cheers to a warm welcome home! From interior styling inspiration and plant parenting support to lifestyle behind-the-scenes, The Plant Penthouse is your residence for living a vibrantly styled life.
And of course, the Penthouse experience would not be complete without a trusted concierge, so allow me to introduce myself:
My name is Shayla Owodunni, the concierge behind the scenes during your stays at The Plant Penthouse (which I hope are often!).
Ever since I was a chubby kindergartner unapologetically wearing neon knee-highs with printed dresses, styling in all mediums has been a facet of my life that brings joy beyond words. Somewhere along my journey to matching, interior styling and plant nurturing weaved their way into my life's fabric and there has been no looking back! Maybe thank my first trip to HomeGoods?
I see decorating as part science, part art; and I'm here to help you take the elevator straight to the top of your styling game. So take a deep breathe in, and enjoy the view.
Let's make your space a happy place, together. <3